Synergy Selection has an enviable reputation for finding the very best people available in the Financial Technology markets. Our success comes from a combination of experience, a powerful network and a thorough and detailed approach to sourcing the best candidates.

Once you engage our services we work very closely with you to identify precisely what type of person you are looking for. We would establish what your ideal candidate’s background would be, where you would like them to come from and understand what softer qualities the candidate must possess to achieve a good cultural fit within your existing team.

Synergy Selection would then map the market for possible candidates using a wide variety of methods including our existing contact network, excellent database and good old fashioned investigative work, to pull together a strong “long list” of potential candidates. Once the mapping and research has taken place we would then screen the contenders both on the telephone and during a face to face interview for possible inclusion on a shortlist.

At this stage we can also offer you the option of providing you with IQ and psychometric profiling services which would provide you with detailed reports showing a valuable insight into a candidate’s characteristics and personality.

The next stage would be to discuss each candidate individually with you and highlight their strengths and weaknesses for the role, together with making our recommendations.

The whole interview cycle would be managed and coordinated by ourselves as would the offer and referencing process. We would not consider the assignment complete until several months after the successful candidate has joined you.

If you would like us to find the best people for your team please feel free to contact us to discuss this further. We often work on similar types of roles, however one of our most enjoyable assignments is if you have a position which is proving extremely difficult to fill, then we relish the opportunity to demonstrate our service on a particularly tricky role.


Remuneration Analysis
Synergy Selection acknowledges that industry wide compensation surveys are potentially inaccurate because they are focusing on a wide spectrum of the financial markets not just the Market Data and Electronic Trading sector. As such we can provide far more relevant and precise financial remuneration data should you require this. This data can then either be used for accurately rewarding existing employees or to allow the hiring managers to make realistic offers of employment to people they are hoping to attract to the team.
Competitor Analysis
Synergy Selection is able to provide a detailed mapping service where all individuals within specific business teams can be identified. Additional information could also be provided such as recent changes to the team, planned future changes and often remuneration details of the individuals targeted. This information could form the foundation of a targeted headhunt campaign within the specific company.
External Perception 
Would you be interested to know how you were perceived by others as an employer? We can prepare a report which will detail how others in the market view you and what areas you may need to address to attract the best quality candidates to join your organisation.
From time to time our clients may need some assistance in assessing existing employees, this may be to determine which are most suitable for promotion or it may be part of a cost cutting exercise where some external unbiased input would be valuable. Whatever the reason we would work closely with you and taylor a package to suit your needs.
Profiling and Assessment
We have a number of sophisticated tools which will generate a detailed report on a participating candidate. The reports will give a valuable insight into personality traits including management style, motivation and decision making styles. In addition to behavioural profiling we can also offer IQ and intelligence screening to give you the maximum possible background information on the people you are looking to hire.

Of particular note is that we offer psychometric profiling which is specifically matched to the ideal profile for the role. In other words clients would first complete a psychometric profile of their ideal candidate. The shortlisted candidates are then compared by the software the ideal report generated by them. This insightful document is a useful tool when interviewing your shortlisted candidates.